Wow!!! Germany is sooooo cool. Trees everywhere, crazy little euro cars (we saw a van of 10 guys on the autobahn with their door open, taking shots of jagermeister and blasting music, all of them drunkily
singing haha), small streets, cool churches everywhere, and
AMAZING BEER! haha The town Leni lives in has about 65,000 people, and definitely has an awesome local feel to it. I can't believe I ever thought San Luis Obispo was pretty and had a nice atmosphere. And this was just one random small town in Germany! I'm so happy to be here, and literally CANNOT WAIT to see more of Europe.
After dropping some things off at her cool apartment near downtown, we headed off to meet her friend Christian and some co-workers who all work at the local forklift manufacturing company (biggest company in the town). The company they all work at is having their annual "Forklift Cup," where there are lots of events and competitions, food, and BEER. Lots of beer. haha Anyway, we all walked to the main downtown area, and went into a restaurant/bar around 7pm for some drinks and food. Little did I know we'd be there all night drinking, smoking, laughing, telling stories, and taking shots of jagermeister!!! haha Oh, and I had my first German Bratwurst for dinner. Which was pretty much the best thing I've ever had.
There was mashed potatoes too, and LOTS of sourkraut, which was actually pretty dang good. Quick thanks to Leni for buying my dinner and beer for the night due to my credit card/bank situation (which is now resolved btw). the whole meal experience was amazing to me. We would have a drink, then a cigarette break (walk outside the bar for a little bit), come back inside, have another drink, go to the bathroom, do a round of shots, then repeat! Despite not knowing German, and 2 of the co-workers not really knowing English, we all had a great evening and quickly became friends. I guess alcohol tends to do that. haha Anyway, we were at the bar til 11:30pm or so before finally deciding to head home for the night. Thank you Leni for a wonderful night in Aschaffenburg!
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