Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Busy Busy Busy!!!

Hey, my apologies for not writing in a while, but I've been very busy during the last week and got sick, so blogging wasn't really a priority. Either way, I got a ton of things to say, and not enough time, so until i can find some time and retell some of the cool things I've done, you'll have to put up with/enjoy this. :)

- Oktoberfest madness with Rhianne and her friends from Berlin was AMAZING!!! Although we did have to wait over an hour to get into one of the beer tents...
- I had two run ins with security at the hostel that could have gotten me kicked out of the hostel or put me in a situation where I needed to call Michelle Townshend from another foreign jail (Don't worry mom, it wasn't anything bad and everything turned out ok)
- Susi and I explored Olympia park for a day which was really nice. The 197-something summer olympics were held here (in Munich).
- I skype with jenny usually at least one time a day!!! I love it! :)
- I'm currently staying at Michelle Townshends near Munich in a town called Starnberg. Michelle was one of my best friend's mothers back in spokane, and now she's teaching over here (so cool, but so hard at the same time. It's waaaaay more confusing/frustrating to live in Germany than America). Either way, its been great staying with her and I'll be sad to leave on Friday
- I biked 35km around most of Starnberg lake which was a lot of fun/made my butt hurt really bad. i haven't biked more than 2 miles in a long time, so it was pretty exhausting. haha I saw my first topless woman, many actually, all around the lake. Sadly, in Europe it comes at the price of seeing men in speedos too. :(
- I took a train to Garmish, then took a gondola up the alps and did some hiking. It's gorgeous in the alps. Very different from any mountain range I've seen. Spectacular views. Plus, it was kinda funny, before today I hadn't met anyone from the United States, and while hiking along a trail in the alps I met a Dad and daughter from Spokane. haha Small world.
- I went to the Symphony X Concert tonight in Munich. They're one of my favorite bands and played an awesome show. They're a progressive metal band if you were curious.... so good.
- I've been pretty sick the last 5 days. Nothing horrible, just annoying. My hand is slowly healing btw, and despite a constant minor main throughout the day, I think its healing just fine
- I'm going to Innsbruck tomorrow, a ski town/mountain town in Austria on Thurday, and will enjoy some hiking on the last day of nice weather. It's literally been 72-82 degrees the entire time I've been here so far. But on Friday it drops to a high of 50, with rain rain rain. Not so excited for that.
- On Friday I'm going to a famous disneyland-ish castle in Germany, then going to Stuttgart Germany to visit a friend for two days. Then I go to Nancy France on Sunday to stay with some friends for a few days. And whenever I feel like it I'll make my way to Paris to stay with some friends. It's suuuuuuper nice knowing tons of people over here who are letting me stay with them. There's no way i'd be able to afford this trip without them. Thanks!
- I started reading "The Gunslinger" by Stephen King which had been really good so far.
- Oh, and one nice thing about being gone is that I can't watch any of the painful seahawks games this season (Always look on the bright side of life...)
- And I'll post a bunch of pictures some other time. Blogspot is really annoying when uploading pictures and it takes waaaay too long to reformat everything. Another time. Hope everyone is well back in the States!

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