Monday, October 3, 2011

Munich with Rhianne!

Waking up was quite the struggle on Thursday as I had a huge hangover from the night before in Nurnberg. Probably the worst I’ve had in at least a year or two, which is saying a lot. Haha Either way, I managed to find my way to the train station for my 9am train from Nurnberg to Munich. The train was already exploding with people when I arrived, but I managed to squeeze in, and sat in the entryway the entire 2 hour train ride there. It was quite the spectacle on the train, and at all the stop along the way, as many of the people were dressed in lederhosen and Bavarian dresses (you know the ones I’m talking about ;) ). I wasn’t expecting so many people to be dressed up. I debated getting a pair of lederhosen myself, but after .002 milliseconds I remembered how ridiculous they all looked and quickly gave up on that thought. The entire train ride people were singing, drinking, and dancing. If I wasn't so hungover, I might have joined them. Haha

When I arrived in Munich at 11am, my friend Rhianne was supposed to meet me there then we’d head to the hostel she worked at, and lived at. Unfortunately, after 45 minutes of waiting at the designated spot, she still hadn’t shown, so I borrowed a cell phone from a drunk german in lederhosen, and gave her a call. Apparently she had slept through her alarm after a late night herself. Haha Oh well. I had a good time people watching in the massive train station.

The hostel she works at is about a 20 minute walk from the train station, and is pretty cool. After showing me around, we made our way to

the basement, which is where her little apt. was and was where I was going to sleep for the night. We dropped off my stuff, and then headed out to explore the city center of Munich. Once again it was a gorgeous day. Munich is supposed to have a pretty nice climate compared to the rest of Germany. The downtown area was very cool, with old churches and buildings everywhere. It was also kind of ritzy on the main path, with nice shops and restaurants everywhere. The one annoying part of munich right now is that there are SOOOOO many tourists. It’s insane. Every 5 feet someone is posing for a picture, which gets annoying really quick. Either way, Rhianne had to work from 3pm-11pm, so we didn’t have much time to explore, but did do a few cool things including: exploring a huge church in town, and walking through one of the great beers halls (Hofbrau). The beer hall was insane. So many people, so much beer, so many costumes, typicaloom-pa-pa german music, and more beer. It was probably the largest restaurant I have ever seen, with a huge outdoor area too and a balcony area.

The rest of the night was fairly mild compared to the rest of my trip so far. I took a 2 hour nap, hopped on the internet for a while, had a beer with a guy from New Zealand, talked with Rhianne for a bit, then went to bed.

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