Friday, October 21, 2011

The Roomies

It’s worth noting in this Blog that Leo (from Caen, France) and his roommates were awesome, and I had an incredible time hanging out with them. It’s hard to explain, but the atmosphere at their place was SO COOL! To start, they’re all of different nationalities and bring something unique/different to the table. Leo is French and loves his art, women, psychology, and is extremely passionate and vocal about any conversation. Haha Olav (Ooo-lav) is the Norwegian “player.” Haha jkjk He’s really into soccer (who isn’t???), has a man beard, sounds like he’s from Scotland (so weird/cool), and is easily one of the most open minded people I’ve ever met. Then there’s Catarina from Italy; the lovely Italian girl studying law who is an Italian superwoman. Haha She’s an amazing cook, has a great Italian accent (Momo-mia haha), is very polite and considerate, and is all about family time/spending quality time with friends.

One of the coolest things I’d like to point out about the roomies, is that they eat dinner together EVERY NIGHT! So cool! Even if it’s 9pm and they haven’t eaten, they’ll wait for the other roommate/s to get home so they can cook/eat together. I was very impressed by this, and you can tell that they all get along and are very close, despite having completely different 1st languages (they all speak French or English to each other). Thanks again to Leo and Catarina for making some great meals and introducing me to a new favorite snack: sourdough bread with a slice of pear, goat cheese, and pepper.

The other mini blurb I’d like to mention about the roomies is that we had some pretty cool (and long) conversations together, which probably made me feel closer to them. Highlights include: political discussions (Obama???), art/music appreciation (man, Leo made me feel like an idiot because I have zero knowledge of anything artsy and he LOVES IT), analyzing how people in Europe/America view people in other countries (general consensus that Spaniards are too obnoxious. I’ll have to see for myself haha), tea time, boyfriend/girlfriend talk and drama (Leo vs. Olav in the battle for the small Italian girl haha), and everything else in between (man, blogging is making me realize that my vocabulary blows. I feel like I say “Amazing,” “Definitely” “Anyway,” and “Awesome” every 3 seconds. Time to start reading more…). “ANYWAY,” The vibe in their apartment was “AWESOME” and I’m definitely going to miss them all. Come visit in California!

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